Friday, May 28, 2010

How to make a soft food for african lovebirds

Soft Food
By: ULBP Groups

Ingredients: 1/4 kilo of Pechay (It depends on the quantity of birds)
1 pc. of carrot
2 tablespoon of wheat germ
1 hard boiled egg orlux eggfood (for chicks)

Wash the pechay properly before chopping into small pieces.

Use grater for carrots.

Mix the grated carrots in to the chopped pechay.

Use grater for hard boiled egg, you may keep the leftover hard boiled egg in the ref up to 2 days. Or you csn use Orlux eggfud.

Put 2 tbsp. of wheat germ in to mixed vegatable.

Put egg food or hard boiled egg for feeding young birds.

Serving for paired birds with chicks.

Serving for matured birds