Most passers-by enters Ibonlandia out of curiosity. Most common comments i hear are " (1) they look colorful from the outside, we wonder what it must be; (2) The birds look very happy, tame and active" and (3) The toys look so jolly, it reflects the love of its creator/maker.
For those who have not gone to Ibonlandia yet, the "colorful things" people referring to are the bird toys which can be seen from the selling area and on each cages i have. My flocks dont just sit on a perch, but are playing happily on every creations i made. I become a toymaker out of love for my birds. When i started birding, i researched the hows, dos and donts of taking care of lovebirds, that i found out that toys are one of their basic necessities. Lucky are we that we can say what we need and wanted. Can our birds do that? NO... but if we are sensitive enough, they made us feel what they want and need too. Oftentimes they would show us something that their food bin is empty or something is wrong somewhere in their cage. As a responsible bird owner, we are duty bound to take care of them and provide anything that will promote good health and happier life for our loving feathered companions. Who would argue to the fact that our birds truly need toys to make them happier?
Dont get me wrong. Its not because i do and sell bird toys that made me say our birds need toys. Out of genuine concern for these cute and cuddly creatures that made me do toys for them and is now sharing with avian enthusiast like me. People who personally knew me knows that i am a licensed accountant by profession that become a bird toymaker by surprise. I wish every bird owner would realize that our birds live miserably inside their cages and to somewhat lessen their agony, lets make their life happier by providing a more colorful and happier surrounding with them. Believe it or not, these birds recognize our effort, love and concern and in return would love us back too.
Not a sales talk and besides i am not the only bird toymaker in the world and you can go and buy stuff from elsewhere aside from my shop. What matters most is the well-being of our birds, My prayer is to awaken the consciousness of each and every bird lovers to love our feathered bestfriends the way it should be. Happy birding :)
By Ibonlandia ULBP Member