Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Alternative Ant Eliminator

Just want to share some tips on how to eliminate ants especially in the area where our ALBS is located. I've done this to my mini aviary and presto! the ants went away.

Materials and Ingredients:

The following ingredients and materials needed are as follows:

1. Borax

2. Jigger or small glass container

3. Piece tissue paper

4. Sugar


1. Mix small amount of Borax and sugar to the small glass container.

2. Pour a little amount of hot water to make syrup mixture

3. Put the small tissue inside the container for this will absorb the syrup mixture and the dry portion of the tissue is to be placed from the mixture all the way to the bottom of the glass container so that the ants can crawl on the tissue to go inside the borax syrup mixture.

4. Place the glass container with borax syrup mixture with tissue near the ants' nest. Just follow the track formation of the ants to determine the location of the nest.


1. Observe that the ants will be attracted by the syrup mixture.

2. Don't be alarmed if they are too many ants already inside the glass container. The more ants the better the results will be.

3. Do not disturbed the track formation of the ants for this will attract other colony of ants.

4. The soldier of ants will suck the sugar syrup with borax and they will eventually go back to their respective nests to feed their queen.


1. The Borax syrup mixture will produce gas inside the ant's intestine once sucked and the ants will eventually die.

2. If the queen also have taken syrup mixture through her soldiers, she will also die

3. Once their queen dies, the ants will abandon their nest.

Hope this alternative ant eliminator will help solve your problem with ants.

By: ULBP Member

Jojit C. Asprec